Our Services

Merger and Acquisition Advisory

We assist companies in handling mergers and acquisitions, including identifying potential buyers and sellers in for targets in various industries.

Tax Consulting

Basic Tax Services

Tax health check and risk management

We review the overall status of tax compliance and assess the controls in place, advise you on the weaknesses and measures to improve, and we work together to implement the measures.

Transfer pricing documentation and Country-by-Country Reporting

We can assist in preparing Transfer Pricing (TP) documentation including the Master File, Local File and Country-by-Country Report.

Tax structuring planning

Tax efficient structure planning for M&A, disposal, refinancing, restructuring or initial public offering that match with your strategic objectives.

Individual tax service

Advise client on tax efficient cross-border employee assignment and help to implement, manage and support the entire assignment process in order to achieve compliance and minimize tax costs.

Retainer service

We will provide general advisory services on a retainer arrangement basis regarding the tax issues that may arise from the daily operations during the engagement period. We can provide a tailor-made package including tax return review, regular update on tax regulations and presentation of tax topics at client’s internal meeting.


Dispute resolution

Utilising our technical knowledge and network built through decades of work, we can assist in analysing the dispute and work out different strategies in dealing with the issue and participate in negotiation with the relevant government authorities for a satisfactory outcome.

Clarity on tax position

We can help obtain clarity on the tax position of the company by negotiating with the tax authorities. This service would be particularly valuable to companies that need to enhance their financial performance.

Tax Training

A tax savvy finance team can often help spot potential issues and deal with them early such that the company would avoid facing huge tax exposure unexpectedly upon tax audit or in a transaction. Such skills are also valuable in setting up structure, project evaluation and due diligence. We can help train the accounting and corporate finance team of the company on tax matters in Mainland China, Hong Kong and international tax on a tailor-made basis so that the audience can apply the knowledge to their daily work.

Soft Skills Training

Employees with soft skills are vital assets to the company. Imagine working alongside with people who are good at communication, can think critically, possess leadership attributes, have positive attitude, are team players and have good work ethics. We provide training to employees to enhance their soft skills to help lift productivity and creativity of the company.